Informacijny portal medžuslovjanskogo jezyka
Portal concerning the Interslavic language

Najlučše prognozovanje budučnosti
jest budučnost izmysliti.
Најлучше прогнозовање будучности
јест будучност измыслити.
The best way to predict the future
is to invent the future.

Interslavic zonal constructed language (ISO 639-3 isv) is an auxiliary language, which looks very similar to real spoken Slavic languages in Central and Eastern Europe and continues the tradition of the Old Church Slavonic language. Interslavic shares grammar and common vocabulary with modern spoken Slavic languages in order to build a universal language tool that Slavic people can understand without any or with very minimal prior learning. It is an easily-learned language for those who want to use this language actively. Interslavic enables passive (e.g. receptive) understanding of the real Slavic languages. Non-Slavic people can use this language as the door to the big Slavic world.

Zonal constructed languages are constructed languages made to facilitate communication between speakers of a certain group of closely related languages. They belong to the international auxiliary languages, but unlike languages like Esperanto and Volapük they are not intended to serve for the whole world, but merely for a limited linguistic or geographic area where they take advantage of the fact that the people of this area understand these languages without having to learn them in a difficult way. Zonal languages include the ancient Sanskirt, Old Church Slavonic, and Lingua Franca. Zonal design can be partially found also in modern languages such as contemporary Hebrew, Indonesian, and Swahili. (Click here for more detailed and other related information about our Interslavic project.)

čitajte i slušajte Medžuslovjansky Manifest 2019

read and listen to the Interslavic Manifesto 2019

Medžuslovjanske strěčenja - Meetings and conferences on Interslavic language

Medžuslovjanska občina jest aktivna netoliko v različnyh městah Interneta, ale členi takože strěčajut se fizično. Program tutyh strěčenj imaje možnost on-lajn priključenja inozemnyh učestnikov.

The Interslavic community is active not only in various places on the Internet, but its members also meet physically. The program of these meetings also includes an online connection for foreign participants.

Interslavic Facebook Group - Medžuslovjanska Fejsbukova Grupa - Меджусловјанска Фејсбукова Група
Public group
Join Facebook Group - Pristupiti do Fejsbukovoj Grupy - Приступити до Фејсбуковој Групы
Medžuslovjansky DISCORD Interslavic DISCORD
Medžuslovjansky TikTok Interslavic TikTok

Medžuslovjanske novosti -

Medžuslovjanske novosti ( jest věstnik člankov od različnyh avtorov, ktori pišut jedino medžuslovjansky v latinici ili kirilici. Teksty iz servera služet netoliko do izveščanja o novostah v světu, ale ješče kako učebnik interesujučim se do učenja se medžuslovjanskomu jezyku, aby takože oni mogli byti redaktorami ili inako aktivno pomagali medžuslovjanskoj občině. is a news site with articles from various editors writing only in the Interslavic language using Latin or Cyrillic. The texts on the server are aimed not only for reporting news from the world, but also as teaching material for those who are interested to learn Interslavic so that they can also become editors or otherwise actively help the Interslavic community.

Medžuslovjansky časopis - - Interslavic journal jest profesionalny medžuslovjansky časopis naměreny do pytanj slovjanskyh narodov v širšem socio-kulturnom kontekstu sejčasnogo vrěmene. Časopis poddrživaje prinos slovjanskoj nauky i kultury do razvitja modernoj civilizaciji. Časopis ISSN 2570-7108 (print) ISSN 2570-7116 (on-line) jest vključen do databazy CEEOL, i imaje neodvisny dvojno-slěpy proces prěgledanja. Časopis opublikuje toliko teksty, ktore držet trěbovanja ustavjene od redakcije. Recenzenti sut različni eksperti najmě iz oblasti humanitnyh nauk, sociologije, archeologije, lingvistiky, ili kultury i umětnosti, ale takože iz oblasti prirodnyh i techničskyh nauk. Časopis publikuje originalne teksty pisane medžuslovjansky ili vsimi slovjanskymi jezykami, Esperantom, anglijskym, němečskym, hišpanskym, francuzskym, ili italijanskym jezykami, ale vsaky članok najmenje trěbuje iměti na svojem početku abstrakt i ključne slova v medžuslovjanskom i anglijskom jezykah. (in English: the SLAVS) is an Interslavic expert journal focusing on issues of Slavic peoples in the wider sociocultural context of current times. The journal supports the contribution of Slavic science and culture to the development of modern civilization. The journal ISSN 2570-7108 (print) ISSN 2570-7116 (on-line) is included in the CEEOL database, and has the double-blind peer independent review proces. The journal publishes only such texts that meet both content and formal requirements set by the editorial board. Reviewers are various international experts especially in humanities, social sciences, archaeology, linguistics, or culture and art. Submitted articles for the journal must be written in Interslavic or any other Slavic language, Esperanto, English, German, Spanish, French, or Italian, but every article must at least have an abstract and keywords in the Interslavic constructed language and English.

Kolorovana ptica - film - The Painted Bird

Kolorovana Ptica jest češsko-slovačsko-ukrajinsky film gotovjeny, upravovany i produkovany gospodinom Václavom Marhoulom. Film jest adaptacija romana Kolorovana Ptica iz 1965 od Jerzy Kosińskogo o malom jevrejskom mladcu bojujućim o prěžitje v někakoj vzhodno-evropskoj krajině v vrěmeni II. světovoj vojny. Povědka romana ne može byti vezana do konkretnogo naroda, i zato trěbuje jezyk, ktory reprezentuje vzhodnu Evropu ale nikaky konkretny narod. To jest pričina korišćenja medžuslovjanskogo jezyka. Podrobno čitajte o filmu na naših stranicah i takože Vikipediji.

The Painted Bird is a Czech-Slovak-Ukrainian film written, directed and produced by Václav Marhoul. It is based on Jerzy Kosiński’s novel The Painted Bird from 1965 about a small Jewish boy fighting to survive in some unspecified East-European country during the WW2. This story cannot directly be linked to a specific nation requires a language that can instantly be recognised as an representant of the Eastern Europe but not any specific nation either. That's why Interslavic language haes been used. Read more about the Painted Bird in our pages and also Wikipedia.

CISLa - Conference on Interslavic Language

CISLa (Conference on InterSlavic Language) jest medžunarodno zasědanje ljudij, ktori uže mnogo lět sorabotajut na Internetu. Smyslom konferencije jest strětiti jedin drugogo, bezposrědny obměn pogledov, vzajemna inspiracija, i glubočejša sorabota do dalečejšego razvitja našego občego interesa, ktorymi sut skonstruovane jezyky, vključajuč možnost jihnogo širjenja do praxi. Cělju CISLa jest otvoriti prostor do besedy na izraženja inovativnyh mněnj do medžunarodnoj komunikacije slovjanskyh narodov v uslovjah modernogo globalizirovanogo světa. Besedujemo slědujuče prědměty: Jezyčne problemy v gradžanskoj participaciji, e-demokraciju, prěvod znalostij, komunikačne udobnomožnosti do specifičnyh oblastij ekonomije različnyh držav, kako napr. turistika i digitalna ekonomija, i možnosti podpora koriščenja skonstruovanyh jezykov za pobudženje razvitja europskoj identičnosti i solidarity.

CISLa (Conference on InterSlavic Language) is the international meeting of people who for many years collaborate on the Internet. The purpose of the conference is to meet each other, direct exchange of views, mutual inspiration, and deepen cooperation to further development of our common interest, which is constructed languages, including the possibility of their spreading into practice. The aim of CISLa is to open a discussion space to express an innovative opinion on international communications of Slavic peoples in conditions of the modern globalized world. We discuss the following topics: Language problems of civic participation, e-democracy, knowledge transfer, communication opportunities in specific sectors of the economy of individual states, such as tourism and digital economy, and ways to promote the use of constructed languages to encourage the development of the common European identity and solidarity.

Češsko družstvo Slovjanska unija - Czech association Slavic Union

SLOVJANSKA UNIJA (SLOVJANSKY SOVEZ) naleži do najstarših slovjanskyh družstev Češskoj republiky. Družstvo bylo osnovano lětom 1992 i svoju tradiciju vede od Prvogo slovjanskogo sjezda lětom 1848 v Pragě. Unija jest dobrovolno i nepolitično zapisano družstvo sodržajuče svoje členy na bazě společnogo interesa. Družstvo jest samostojno juridično lico IČ 481 33 396, ktoro jest aktivno na teritoriji Češskoj republiky pod češskym zakonodateljstvom. U kulturnoj agentury Europskoj komisije EACEA jest registrovano pod partnerskym kodom 923564549 i jest kontaktnym licom za Češsku republiku u Medžunarodnoj ustanovy Forum slovjanskyh kultur sěduče v Ljubljaně, Slovenija.

SLAVIC UNION belongs to the oldest Slavic societies operating in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1992 and derives its tradition from the first Slavic Congress in 1848 in Prague. It is a voluntary, independent, and non-political association uniting its registered members on the basis of their common interest. It is a separate legal entity #48133396 and operates in the Czech Republic under the Czech law. At the European executive agency EACEA, it is registered under participant identity code (PIC) #923564549 and is the contact subject for the Czech Republic at the international Foundation Forum of Slavic Cultures, based in Ljubljana.

Projekt medžuslovjanskogo jezyka

Zonalne konstruovane jezyky sut jezyky dělane do umožnjenja komunikacije medžu govornikami iz někakoj grupy sobě blizkyh narodnyh jezykov. Oni sut podgrupoju medžunarodnyh pomočnyh jezykov, ktore ne sut prioritetno prěznačene služiti kako jezyky do vsego světa, ale toliko do někakoj lingvistično ili geografično limitovanoj oblasti. Množinstvo v tutoj kategoriji sut pomočne medžuslovjanske jezyky, ale prvy taky zonalny jezyk pravděpodobno byl staroindijsky sanskrt. Najstarši znajemy priměr vseslovjanskogo jezyka jest Ruski jezik od hrvatskogo duhovnika Juraja Križanića (1618 - 1683), ale prvy literarny slověnsky jezyk dělany od svetyh Cirila i Methodija v 9-om stolětju takože imaje črty zonalnogo konstruovanogo jezyka. V sumě v tečenju od 17-ogo do 21-ogo stolětja bylo izrabotano vyše od 50 takyh pomočnyh slovjanskyh jezykov. Zonalne konstruovane jezyky voobče imajut veliku prědnost v tom, že jim ljudi iz danoj grupy razumějut bez velikogo učenja. Dokazom tutogo tvrdženja, medžu mnogo drugymi, jest text na tutyh webovyh stranicah, ktore sut pisane v medžuslovjanskom zonalnom jezyku.

Medžuslovjansky jezyk byl stvorjeny od kolektiva avtorov na osnově dvoh starših projektov Slovianski iz 2006 g. i Novoslověnsky iz 2009 g. Medžuslovjansky jezyk jest na samoj srědině živyh slovjanskyh jezykov, ktoroj vsi Slovjani razumějut bez nikakogo prědhodnogo učenja i mogut koristiti toliko poslě minimalnogo učenja.

Interslavic language project

Zonal constructed languages are made to facilitate communication between speakers of a particular group of closely related national languages. They are a subgroup of the international auxiliary languages, but they are not preferably intended to serve for the whole world, but merely for some limited linguistic or geographic area only. Most numerous within this category by far are auxiliary inter-Slavic languages, but the first zonal conlang probably was the old-indian Sanskrit. The oldest known example is Ruski jezik by the Croatian priest Juraj Križanić (1618 - 1683), but the first literary Slavic language named Old (Church) Slavonic made by Saints Cyril and Methodius from Salonica in the 9th century also has features of a zonal constructed language. In total during 16th to 21st century, it was developed more than 50 such auxiliary Slavic languages. Zonal constructed languages, in general, have a great advantage, because people of an appropriate group understand them without the large learning. Proof of this claim, among many other things, is the content of these webpages, which are written in Interslavic zonal language.

The Interslavic language has been created by an author group on the basis of older projects: Slovianski from 2006 and Neoslavonic from 2009. The Interslavic language is at the very centre of the modern Slavic languages which all Slavs can understand without any prior study and use after some minimal learning only.

Začto medžuslovjansky? Koristi takogo jezyka sut različne:

  • Jezyk može byti velika pomoč putovateljam v biznesu i turistikě;
  • možno jest osegnuti cěly slovjansky svět posrědstvom websajtov, forov, širjenja različnyh znanj (napr. techničskyh standardov), ... bez potrěby prěvodženja informacije na razne narodne jezyky;
  • člověk znajuči medžuslovjansky lěpěje razuměje texty na drugyh slovjanskyh jezykah; i
  • odlična metoda k bystrějšemu i legčemu učenju drugogo slovjanskogo jezyka.

Why Interslavic? Such a language can be useful for various purposes:

  • It can be a great help for travellers;
  • you can address the entire Slavic world via websites, fora, misc knowledge (e.g. technical standards), etc., without having to translate your information into several languages;
  • a person who knows Interslavic will have a better understanding of a text in any Slavic language; and
  • it is an excellent method for quicker and easier learning of a second Slavic language.

Medžuslovjanske izvory

Interslavic Sources

čitajte i slušajte Medžuslovjansky Manifest 2019

read and listen to the Interslavic Manifesto 2019

Kako učiti se medžuslovjansky - How to learn Interslavic

Medžuslovjansky jest pomočny jezyk. Slovjani jemu pasivno razumějut bez potrěby učenja, ale kto hoče medžuslovjansky govoriti i pisati, trěbuje se to učiti. Tajina medžuslovjanskogo jezyka leži netoliko v jegovom slovniku, ale takože v jegovoj gramatikě. Na počatku možete uživati slova iz svojego rodnogo slovjanskogo jezyka, ale te slova trěbujete posaditi do medžuslovjanskoj gramatiky. To ješče ne jest čisty medžuslovjansky, ale uže tuto dobro povyšaje vašu razumivost od drugyh ljudij.

Pri učenju trěba obratiti vnimanje na regularnosti i simetrije v konstrukciji medžuslovjanskogo jezyka, ktory stoji vyše od obyčajnogo jezyka, zatože jest složenym filozofičnym sistemom komunikacije medžu ljudimi znajućimi različne narodne slovjanske jezyky. Tutoj sistem jest izraznostju bogaty, ale sostoji se iz několiko malo mnogokratno povtarjajučih se form i vzorov. Učite se medžuslovjansky iz gotovyh tekstov, najmě iz našego Čitateljnika, medžuslovjanskyh vikipedije i novostij (novin), fleš-kartic, i koristite naš on-lajn slovnik.

Interslavic is an auxiliary language. The Slavs understand Interslavic passively without the need for learning but anyone who wants to speak and write in Interslavic, must learn it. The secret of Interslavic is based not only on its vocabulary but also on its grammar. In the beginning, you can use words from your native Slavic language, but you have to adapt these words to interslavic grammar. It is not yet pure Interslavic, but even so, it will greatly increase your understanding by other people.

When learning, pay attention to regularity and symmetry in the construction of Interslavic. It is more than just a language because it is a complex philosophical system of communication among peoples speaking various national Slavic languages. Although Interslavic is rich in terms of expression, it consists only of multi-repeating a few simple rules and patterns. Learn it from finished texts, preferably from our reading book Čitateljnik, Interslavic Wikipedia and news, Flashcards, and use our on-line dictionary.

Selected publications about Interslavic

Selected Interslavic videos

Interslavic channel (YouTube)
Medžuslovjansky kanal na YouTube

Interslavic language
promotional video for Euronews Serbia

Interslavic Language #1
Will Bulgarian, Polish and Croatian understand a constructed language?

Interslavic Language #2
Will Bulgarian, Polish and Croatian understand a constructed language?

Interslavic Language Creator
the Idea behind the Constructed Language Understandable to all Slavs

TheVyo - Carpathian Mountains (a pop-song in Interslavic)
TheVyo - Karpaty (Medžuslovjansky)

Interslavic Song
Mito Matija - Mass Funeral

Interslavic Song
Hej ty, Zemjo" (Хеj ты, Земjo)

Interslavic Language:
How A Made-Up Slavic Language Made It To The Big Screen

Межславянский язык:
Что это и как его использовать?